NCFIT Process Prerequisites

Before beginning to use NCFIT, the CAPPSNC program must be created to process the modification of G-Code for the desired outcome. The G-Code to be used must be either an individual cutting path or entire program for 6 Degree of Freedom transformation. When there are tool paths or G-Code that should not be altered, the appropriate Custom NCFIT command will need to be added to the G-Code File, this is an individual user’s hand-edit prior to importing in CAPPSNC.

How to Begin

  1. After the CAPPSNC and G-Code program are created, start by opening the CAPPSNC program to be used for the NCFIT Process.
  2. Navigate to the CNC Ribbon and click on the AAT-NCFIT button.
    A screenshot of a computer

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  3. Start by selecting the Nominal G-Code file that will be modified.
    A screenshot of a computer

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  4. Select the location to put the modified G-Code after the CAPPSNC actual data has been collected.
    A screenshot of a computer

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  1. Select the CAPPSNC Alignment file to be used. If there are multiple machines connected to the same PC the default cappsnt.dat file may be renamed. Search for the appropriate .dat file that was setup for the machine when commissioned. Once the file has been loaded then select the desired Alignment to do a 6DOF transformation. If you are not doing a 6DOF transformation select MCS.
    A screenshot of a computer

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  2. Select the Repost Method to be used to transform the G-Code. (See CAPPSNC FIT Options document)
  3. Clicking OK will do a test run of the G-Code transformation.
  4. Verify the initial test results of the G-Code transformation. (See How to Verify Initial Application section below.)
  5. To write the automatic generation of the G-Code transformation click on Generate DMISA screenshot of a computer

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How to Verify Initial Application

To verify the NCFIT application click OK after selecting the settings to be verified. The translated actuals will be displayed on screen before clicking any other buttons. You will notice the color of the modified G-Code.

  • .CSV - There are also the following files that are output after transformation.
     CSV to interrogate the modified G-Code within Excel or anywhere else that you are wanting to import the data to.
  • .DMI – Plotted NCFIT G-Code for direct import and check inside of CAPPSNC
  • .TXT – XYZ point’s listed out